
One day, a student walked into the class,
About 6 feet tall, he wore a cooling glass.
He said, I am 40 years old and Anand is my name,
I want to lose some weight, and that’s why I came.
In the corner of the yoga shaala, he put his red mat,
For the prayer, with his eyes closed, he sat.
I said, with consistency weakness is no more a barrier,
He got up to do the Suryanamaskars and the warrior.
After a while, he started sweating from his crown,
At the end, for the Shavasana, he just lied down.
In his shavasana, he stayed still for a while,
He rolled his mat, and left with a big smile.
Through the shavasana, one can completely rejuvenate,
That’s why on earth, Shavasana is called the heavenly gate.