Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate-Advanced

6:00 - 7:30 AM. | IST
Every Saturday
Deepen your practice and transition into advanced asanas
Be part of a growing community of yoga practitioners who’re peacefully progressing towards their goals and inspiring others in the process. This isn’t just a test of physical strength; it’s a masterclass in mental resilience, focus and mindfulness. In this weekly 90-minute session, we play with different poses to expand the realm of possibility and ease our way into advanced asanas. Each class focuses on warming you up and preparing your body for a specific pose, so you can attempt it with clarity and confidence. From headstands and arm balances to backbends, inversions and beyond — we have you covered. This class can either serve as a bridge between the Intermediate and Advanced classes OR considered an add-on to advanced classes.
The extra guidance and support will go a long way in supplementing your practice and taking you to the next level.
Level: Advanced to Professional
8:00 – 09:30 AM. IST
Every Saturday
Advanced asanas can seem intimidating to most of us. But do you ever wonder how some yoga practitioners make it look so easy and flawless? The secret lies in the details. Watch step-by-step demonstrations of advanced asanas and challenge yourself to aim higher. The last and FINAL step of Pancha Yoga, this is where you prove your mettle and become the inspiration the world needs — and deserves.
Please note: An independent headstand is a requisite to participate in this workshop.
In this workshop, we break down complex poses into smaller parts so you can observe the intricacies and integrate the learnings into your own ritual. We will also be revisiting postures from the first three levels to align our mind and body for a deeper and more rigorous session. With equal emphasis on theory and practice, this class empowers you to attempt the forearm balance (Pincha Mayurasana), handstands and other advanced transitions.
In this 90-minutes, intensive, teacher-led class, students who’ve mastered various postures will have the opportunity to further hone their skill through rigorous and highly focused practice. Whether you’re embarking on a career as a yoga teacher, aspiring to join a formal teacher-training program, or simply don’t want to lose touch with advanced practice, this workshop will help you achieve your goal.

At Pancha Yoga, we believe that there is truly no end to learning. Your next breakthrough could be just one class away. That’s why we encourage advanced practitioners to stay involved in the Pancha Yoga community through classes, workshops and beyond.